Sunday, January 21, 2007

The poet and the lawyer

Two people were once travelling
Inside a commercial plane
Their careers were very different
But their destination was the same.
One a lawyer, smug and smart
The other a poet bright
They were faced by a massive journey
All through the day and then the night.
The boredom quickly established itself
Both people felt the same
The lawyer proposed a solution
They’d play a little game.
The lawyer would ask a question
And if the poet got it right
The lawyer would then pay five dollars
Without a hint of fight.
The poet would ask a question
But the poet was street smart
He played on the lawyer’s ego
It was a work of art.
The lawyer could use technology
And anything in its stead
But if the lawyer could not answer
He’s owe the poet 50 bucks instead.
The lawyer agreed in a trice
And asked his question soon
The lawyer asked about the distance
Between the earth and the moon.
The poet merely shrugged his shoulders
And into his pocket he did dive
He shuffled through his meager bills
And gave the lawyer five.
He then turned to the lawyer
And looked at the floor
Asking, “What goes up a hill on three legs
But then comes down on four?”
The lawyer used his laptop
He accessed the internet too
He asked every passenger on the plane
But there was nothing he could do.
The lawyer grimaced and grumbled
But took out his monetary stash
He broke out in a lather
As he handed over the cash.
Soon, the plane had landed
The poet got up to go
The lawyer screamed, “Don’t leave!
I just have to know!
What does go up a hill on three legs,
Then comes back down on four?
The poet merely smiled and gave him 5 dollars
And then walked out the door.

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