Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Five Coaching Dos & Don’ts

 Use coaching with competent staff to help draw out their potential;
 Be truly present for the person being coached, removing mental and physical distractions;
 Listen deeply to gain a true understanding of the challenge at hand and show the coachee you are listening;
 Ask intelligent questions to enhance a person’s view of both the reality before them and the options they have;
 Finish the coaching conversation with a commitment to action.
 Use coaching with incompetent staff who lack the will or skill to improve their performance;
 Be thinking of other things when listening;
 Just pretend to listen, interrupt, only hear what reinforces your preconceptions or jump to premature conclusions;
 Give advice, offer solutions or use questioning to lead the coachee to your preferred solution;
 Leave the person unclear about the next steps they will take

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