Thursday, July 26, 2007

Go ahead, Show those Pearly Whites

by Josh Hinds

Your smile can brighten the world around you. That's right, one of our most valuable assets is our smile. Think about it for a moment... I mean really think about it, your smile is the first opportunity you have to make a difference in the lives of those around you.

With one flash of your pearly whites you can cause a mini- chain reaction from that person, to the next person they come into contact with and so forth. While you may not change the world with one friendly gesture to a passerby, you will have a positive impact on them just the same -- and everything has to start somewhere doesn't it?

So with that said, I hope you'll make the conscious effort not to let this wonderful opportunity pass you by. Sure at times people might look at you a bit funny. However, all and all you'll be amazed at the effect that sharing your smile will bring about.

Best of all as I touched on before, you'll be making a positive impact on another person, who in turn is likely to do the same with the next person they come into contact with. It really can kick off a bit of a snowball effect.

In the end there's no way of knowing just how big an impact your simple act of kindness can have. Who knows... it might even make its way all the way back to you. Now that's exciting stuff, but it all starts with your decision to share that smile of yours -- so don't be stingy with it!

Put your smile to work, starting right now by setting out with the knowing that you have inside you the ability to positively impact those around you.

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