Thursday, December 16, 2004

Broken sleep et al

I don't know about nayone else, but I love to sleep. Currently I'm on holidays and I'm trying to be disciplkined - staying with my mprmal sleep pattern, or I'll end up going to bed at 1 am and sleeping through until ten. That may be delicious, but it's awfully selfish, affecting the whole family.

Last night I had one of those awful nights where I wake up every few hours for 20 minutes or so. I feel very slow today and will probably be weary. However, with my wife off on an adventure today the tiredness will be pushed to the side, for it will be a day of "Secret Daddy Business".

THis is a term I use for when my wife is away and the kids and I engage in all sorts of silliness only a Dad can come up wih. We don't do anything nasty, just things that are "male centred" e.g. not washing up until we absolutely have to. We go shopping for ice cream (although not me - I think I'm coming down with what the girls had).

In any case, I think an afternoon nap will be in order. I'll just make sure I'll move my wlaking frame out fo the way ...


Li Sa said...

hmm.. you sound really tired to me. can see that through your typos..hehe..
btw, i've added a link to your blog. dun mind right? :P

Ymir said...

Of course I don't mind. Somewhat ironic that you call yourself a sleepyhead and you get to comment on a post about me being tired.


I'll link to your blog too, if you like (and if I work out how to do it).

Cheers, and thanks