Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Many things

Last night we had a terrific storm. It came from a direction that we don't ususally get storms from - always a sign that it will be "unusual". There was a good deal of wind, but amazingly, it seems that there aren't any trees down. That's one of the joys of living on land - lots of trees that blow down, then need to be cut up and disposed of creatively. I can't tell you how much rain we had, beacuse there's some kangaroos out by the rain gauge and I hate to scare them off.

I've also run a gamut of emotion over the last few days by making apurchase. Joy at finding it, anticipation about getting it, guilt beacuse I already have a few of these things, back to excitement, embarrasment because it's a bit silly, back to anticipation.

Humans can be so silly sometimes.


Li Sa said...

hi, Ymir! Merry Christmas! Hope you are enjoying with your family and pets.hehe...

Best wishes to you and your lovely family. ciao~

Nettie said...

All right, what was the purchase?