Friday, December 17, 2004

Constructive use of holidays

Just over the last few days I’ve used my holidays in a surprisingly constructive fashion. I love having the time to do some of the things that I’ve been putting off. Yesterday I changed the wiper blades on one of ourt cars. Now we’ll be able to see where we’re going when it’s raining. Then, I crawled under the house and drilled the holes that allowed me to place the speakers for our surround sound system in the right places without having the wires run all over the floor. Then, I gave our bichon friese (one of our two dogs) a clip. He looked like a cotton ball from hell, now he looks like a shorn sheep. I hope the other dog doesn’t tease him too much … 

Today sees some interesting tasks. I’m going to make a stand for the centre speaker from the aforementioned system – they all need to be 1.5 metres from the tv, or it screws up the picture. Well, I can see thew effect – no-one seems to be able to. Both dogs will benefit from a bath. Ever bathed a corgi? Set aside an hour or two – their double coats are thick. Then, I’ll wash my wife’s car and maybe my own.

At this rate I’ll need to go back to work for a holiday!

1 comment:

Nettie said...

At least everything will be clean!