Friday, December 03, 2004


I was having a conversation last night with some people on the subject of manners. Remember those? One of my daughters went to see the guy that lives next door and he cut her some 100 carnations. She said thank-you as he handed her each one. That left an impression. My youngest was asked for a kiss by a relative and when the relative thanked her, she said, “You’re welcome.” That left and impression.

I went shopping yesterday and two people ran to beat me to the checkout. That left an impression. Three people sped through the pedestrian crossing as I got to it. That left an impression.

Good manners aren’t a sign of weakness - they’re a sign that you value other people. When people take advantage of your manners, that’s fine. You just don’t let a toxic person infect you – life’s too short. Then you scratch their car in the car park when they’re not looking.

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