Sunday, December 19, 2004


The guinea pig project was a raving success, just like you'd expect - I think that our eldest is currently watching TV with it on her lap as we speak, having gone outside to the enclosure and liberated it for some attention.

Getting the enclosure on the trailer was an experience, as it was a good bit bigger for the available space. Still, there's not much you can't achieve with the right amount of snatch-it straps! Also, "boy logic" came to the fore and it went on ok.

We also stopped on the way home to procure one for our youngest, so that she didn't feel left out. We were very specific about requiring another female, so we don't end up hip deep in guinea pigs. Time will tell.

In any case, the joy that has been brought warms my heart.


Nettie said...

Good luck on the two guinea one point in my childhood we ended up with a pair of hamsters, which turned into 3 mating pairs since we couldn't tell what they were. I don't remember how we got rid of them all...

Ymir said...

We've been assured that we have two females ... Famous last words?