Wednesday, December 13, 2006

1937, and Australia’s first real `tin top’ hits the road

TODAY we take it for granted that our sedans and hatchbacks have a solid steel roof, but of course it wasn’t always the case.

Ford introduced the steel body to passenger cars in Australia in 1935 but the roof was still a fabric section, as the technology for pressing a complete curved steel top wasn’t yet available.
In 1937, however, Ford Australia imported a new hydraulic press which enabled it to press the complete roof in one piece.

Ford’s 1937 Model 78 was the first Australian-built car to have this modern innovation.
The new car also boasted headlights built into the mudguards, similar to those on the luxury Lincoln Zephyr that had been imported for Ford Australia managing director Hubert French.
The new V8 engine used the aluminium heads which were also a feature of the Lincoln, and which boosted its power output to 95 horsepower.

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