Sunday, December 17, 2006

Performance enhancing drugs

and I'm *not* talking about Viagra...

A good mate of mine is a great muso and we were having some ales and the subject of performance enhancing drugs came up, as it was in the news that two players from another country, in the most sacred game of all, cricket, were let off their two year bans. (long sentence with lots of commas, that.)

Obvioulsy,sport is a competitive industry, where much money, publicity and sponsorship is entailed.

But, how is this different to music? Musicians are often excused for taking drugs. Indeed, it's part of the uniform. But when they use drugs, does this not mean that they write stuff that they wouldn't normally?

Is this different to sport. Isn't music still a competitive industry, where much money, publicity and sponsorship is entailed?

Are international chess players drug tested?

Why is sport different?

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