Saturday, December 23, 2006

Santa by any other name

Santa Claus is one of the most famous characters that is loved by children all over the world. He is known for giving gifts to good kids on Christmas Eve. He is also known as Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Father Christmas, Kriss Kringle, Santy or simply Santa. In many countries, kids, especially 'in spirit', believe Father Christmas as being real. Other names by which Father Christmas is known in other countries are:

Afghanistan - Baba Chaghaloo
Armenia - Gaghant Baba
Brazil - Papai Noel
Czech Republic - Ježíšek
Denmark - Julemanden
France and French Canada - Le Père Noël
Germany - Weihnachtsmann
Iraq and South Africa – Goosaleh
Ireland & Scottish Highlands - Daidí na Nollag
Italy - Babbo Natale
Portugal - Pai Natal
Romania - Mos Craciun
Spain and Mexico - Papá Noel
Netherlands and Belgium - Sinterklaas

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