Friday, December 22, 2006

It’s Christmas. Dream just for a minute...

Santa’s making a list, and checking it twice. If you could ask for and receive one gift for your school, what would that gift be? If principals got what they wished for, wouldn't that be nice?
Would it be any of the following…..
. a school where class size was 10 students per teacher;
. a social worker/counsellors for every 25-50 students;
. each student having a laptop computer with Internet access, personal email, and…accompanying systems at home;
. computers in every classroom and a state-of-the-art school-wide teleconferencing system.
. every parent actively involved, by volunteering in classrooms;
. a peaceable school free of bullying, name calling, and violence;
. every child would go home to a loving family free of ridicule and put-downs;
. every single computer and printer be in tiptop shape and connected to the Internet."
. acknowledgement' of all the hard work and good things that we do on a daily and weekly basis

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