Sunday, April 08, 2007

Flying car

Atul, Shimla, INDIA

Cars that fly have only been a part of the Human imagination or numerous Sci-Fi flicks and the realization of this dream could be the next big thing in the automotive world. We all know though that it won’t happen overnight and even if something of that sort is developed, the critics would be ready to latch on it with both hands until something technically apt is developed but it is a subject so superficial that even an honest effort should be lauded and especially if the entities involved are oldies.

Following the aforesaid; two retirees in their seventies have decided to realize the flying car dream atleast for themselves by pooling in their resources both in the intellectual and monetary terms. The pair have dubbed the dream car as the GT Flyer and till know they have invested around $70,000.

You obviously can’t make a Flying Car with mere 70,000 dollars thus the duo is now busy channelising investment worth 1.2 million from various investors so that they could make a prototype of the Flying Car. The car will be based on the 232 hp engine from Mazda RX-8 which will provide powertrain to the front wheels when in car mode and rotate the propeller mounted at the back when swapped to the fly mode generating a commendable cruising speed of 150 miles per hour

Apart from generating capital from the investors, the duo has decided to enter NASA’s Personal Air Vehicle Centennial Challenge. A cap at this contest would mean $2, 50,000 to $5, 50,000 extra money: an amount which could help them realize the GT Flyer dream even without those dicey investment hoaxes.

Via : Engadget

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