Thursday, April 05, 2007


13. You still enjoy snacking on paste and melting crayons on the heater.
12. You get to work with kids, which is challenging, but it's still easier than working with adults.
11. You get to go on field trips and pretend you are with another group.
10. You get to enjoy the comfort of a day that is so structured you never have to decide on your own when to go to the bathroom or when to eat.
9. You get to collect embarrassing stories about tomorrow's leaders today.
8. You get to be called "Mr." or "Ms."
7. You get looked up to - as long as you are still taller than your students are.
6. You get first shot at ordering any of the fund-raising stuff that students are selling.
5. You get a kick out of telling people that you are a "Professional Pedagogical Practitioner."
4. You feel better about aging because you are reminded every day how silly you were when you were younger.
3. You enjoy the challenge of managing a $26.00 classroom budget.
2. You enjoy the attention you get when you say, "This is on the test."
1. You can tell stupid jokes and your audience can't walk out.

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