Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The Rarest of the Red Devils to Be Auctioned in May

Atul, Shimla, INDIA Apr 2 2007, 12:03 pm GMT
I wish I were a millionaire! The thought never eludes my mind but its tenacity is at its epitome today courtesy, my auto fanaticism. Every auto buff likes a Ferrari, an honor, the Italian road scorcher thoroughly deserves and when the Ferrari comes with some kind of history attached to it, the honor, as well as the quench to posses it, doubles.
One of such Masterpieces from Ferrari, which has more than a single reason to be dubbed ‘historical’ will be available for purchase. The obvious reason, which makes it historical, is that, it is a 1962 Ferrari 330 TRI/LM Testa Rossa.The not so obvious part is the fact that it is the one and only Testa Rossa with a Four-Liter Engine, incidentally it was the last Testa Rossa ever built. It was also the car, which completed the hattrick of victories for Ferrari at the Le Mans.
This Masterpiece along with a number of other vintage Ferraris will be available for purchase at the upcoming Leggenda e Passione (an in-house Ferrari Auction) Auction to be held in Italy on the 20th of May. 1962 Ferrari 330 TRI/LM Testa Rossa is valued at a whopping 10 million dollars, which is the reason; I was craving for those millions at the beginning.
Image Courtesy : Autoblog
Via : Luxist

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