Friday, September 16, 2005

The Phantom Strikes

I have a modest collection of DVDs. I don’t as a rule let people borrow them, as no-one looks after your things like you do. Plus, it’s a hassle keeping track of them.

In any case, I’ve just done a check of them and seven are missing.

The Phantom strikes.

I let my mother borrow them. Well, you do, don’t you. But I know that other people access them from there (i.e. steal. Plus, they know what ones I have and have the opportunity to get at them in my house. They also have a proven track record of theft from people and from businesses.). She swears she doesn’t have the missing ones, so who would you confront?

I won’t bother. They’ll get offended and I’ll be the bad guy. I’m such a bad person.

1 comment:

Ymir said...

Now. I was just thinking that I could use three of those.
