Monday, September 12, 2005


Or however the Hell you spell it.

Our kids have been hounding us relentlessly for one of these little critters. Being a school principal, I have come to despise them at school – they get stolen, kids spend time attending to them at the wrong times etc. But, with the relentless attacks of our children, we relented, relentlessly.

And I have been proven wrong. They have proven to be hours of joy for both kids. Then, they connect and their two creatures play. Or, they meet kids in the street and their creatures connect and play. They share what they have learnt with each other. They are vigilant in caring for their creature. They are vigilant in looking after the device.
I have been proven wrong. But they’re still not coming to our school.

1 comment:

Ymir said...

Web site marketing and ideas for healthy sites.

Perhaps we could market healthy sites and send people a free Captain Stubing vase?