Saturday, October 01, 2005

Negative People ...

To get what they want, Dr. Mike Weber says negative people depend on the following:

* Attention -- Even negative attention is better than no attention.

* Fear -- The angrier and more negative a person is, the more fearful we are of confronting them; thus, we avoid disagreements with them. The negative person wins by not being called on their actions or attitude.

* Guilt -- Negative people try to raise the level of guilt by making you feel bad about not seeing the world as they do or not having done something they think you should have.

* Intimidation -- Negative people use their attitudes to intimidate and manipulate. You don't want them to talk negatively about you.

* Sense of power -- There are people who love to criticize others. It makes them feel good and gives them a sense of power. The more negatively people react to their criticism, the more powerful they feel.

* Elicit sympathy to add drama to their lives -- Most negative people are craving affection and comfort. Many times, their lives lack the excitement they want; negativity brings drama to their existence.

* Response -- Sometimes negative people say and do things just to "get your goat." If they elicit a negative response, it brings them pleasure and reinforces their notion that the world is negative.

1 comment:

Ymir said...

And I thought that was me!
