Saturday, October 15, 2005

Take time out…

To smell the koalas
Getting ready in the morning with a young family can seem like an exercise in reconciling a number of neighbouring nations. Everything is a flurry of activity and there seems to be no end to the desperate solutions needed to last-minute problems.
This morning was no exception, until a koalas was spotted in the back yard. Another koala (I don’t know whether the male or the female makes the noise) was calling and we think that the one that we saw was responding to the call of the first one. When we went out to have a look it retreated to the safety of a tree.

The one it selected was not a large one, so we were treated to a great view of the koala. Suddenly, the noise and commotion of a few minutes ago were replaced with "ooohs’ and "aaahs" as we stood there together enjoying our brush with one of our non-human neighbours.

It’s food for the soul.

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