Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Receiving feedback

Do we ever tell our staff how to give us feedback when they think something might be improved?

These guidelines may be a starting point for us:
. Report the problem immediately. Tell me right away will often assist us in solving a problem before it becomes any worse.
. Give me only the necessary facts. Overstating the problem could make it look worse than it is. Think it through before you report and be ready to explain exactly and objectively what happened.
. Use tact. Don’t say "We’ve got a terrible problem in our school." Say something like "Here’s something I thought you should know about."
. Offer a solution. Don’t just tell me we have a problem. Think of possible solutions. Recommend a way to correct a mistake or an error and provide solutions on how you think it might be prevented from happening again.
. Don’t deliver only bad news. Pass along the good news that happens in our schools every day.

1 comment:

Ymir said...

Those guys are crazy!
Brave, but crazy...
