Friday, October 07, 2005

The real experts on children

It's readily apparent who the real experts are. Listen to this wisdom…… Children will tell us how to raise them well. If only we'd listen….

Children want and need to know about your childhood: Tell me a story about when you were a child. –Stephanie Take me to where you grew up. –Rob Tell me stories about my ancestors. --Bobby

Quality time is a myth. Kids need you to spend different kinds of time with them: Talk to me about your day. –Alison Eat dinner with me. –Walter Take me somewhere special once in a while, by myself, without my sister. –Vivi Sometimes can you play with me instead of saying no? –Fran Read to me (even though I can read). --Amanda

Parents need to model the family's values: If you get mad at me remember to forgive me. –Suzanne Treat me like you treat your customers. --Karen Respect my stuff. –Elyse

Encourage your child's spontaneity and your own: Let me get wet in the rain. –Jessica I love it when you give me presents that are not expected. –Michael Let me go on the escalator that goes up when I'm going down. --Eric

Don't 'over plan' your kid's childhood: More FREE TIME!!! Don't fill up every minute of the day. –Christine I like piano, but I would like to stop, life is good when you're a kid so you should have some fun. (accompanied by a drawing of a kid diving into the water) –Alex Let me get into the sports I want to get into. --Ben

Help a child find her own voice: Let me make a mess when I'm doing art. –Addison Raise me right because I want to be someone in life. --Renadeau

Appreciate your child's efforts rather than focusing on his accomplishments: Be proud of my best. –Jessica Be proud of me even if I didn't get all the answers right. –Sach Tell me what I did right. --Amanda

Kids need to have a say in the family: Let me have a vote in the things we do together. –Kate If you have a problem, listen to me. Maybe I can help. –Dylan Let me make decisions that I think would be good and maybe they would be as good as the decisions you made for me. --Caleb

Kids need to hear the words "I love you" often. They also need love shown: Say "I love you," once in a while, not just when I'm leaving for school. –Amber Write notes to me on my lunch box napkin. – Jenny When I'm down, raise me up. –Eric

1 comment:

Ymir said...

It was too fast for me....
