Saturday, October 08, 2005

Dealing with our daily "busyness."

Reducing interruptions is a very productive means of creating a team environment that is efficient, effective and productive for all.
As S
chool Leaders we find our days invaded, seemingly irresistibly by telephones, interruptions of staff, faxes, PDAs, laptops and of course the very demanding emergency of emails. We even bluff ourselves by thinking we are so efficient with our time and energy, that our "to do" list is being achieved each day. However, when we are so busy being busy we are often missing and not responding to moments of excitement, delights and play that happen every hour in our schools. Our challenge is then ensuring how we become more "present" spontaneous, relaxed and receptive in our schools?

Did you know that 80% of our interruptions will be generated repetitively from only 20% of the people we work with. Become consciously aware of those who do not continually come to your door.

A definite possibility: Intervene for a fellow staff member who may need some "quiet time." Take their calls and messages for one hour to avoid interruptions for them. Reciprocate for each other on an "as needed" basis.

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