Saturday, October 29, 2005

Less can mean more:

Don’t assume that putting in fewer hours will cause your work to suffer. In fact, time and energy spent off-the-job can enhance your productivity and your capacity to better deal with daily work challenges. If you are working 14 hours days, day in, day out, you are tricked into that your efficiency is being maximised by your intense work efforts. In fact, leaving early a few afternoons each week will be a better solution. By setting limits, you are better able to distinguish when you really do need to push hard and when to step back and regroup.

Smile. If we all had 96 hours in every day it would still not be enough time for us to do everything we want to. The most important thing we can do is smile and make each person think we have all the time in the world.

Check that you day’s schedule of activities is firmly in your mind when you arrive at work each day.

Define the responsibility: Helping others constitutes much of our role, but sometimes helping someone can transfer all the responsibility from them to you, and that is not what we intend to do at all.

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