Saturday, October 15, 2005

Winners and losers

In every country there is sport at elite levels and where there is sport there is competition, winners and losers.

One such sport in Oz is rugby league. Teams do battle for 26 weeks, gaining points for wins and draws. The top eight at the end of the regular season then progress into the finals and over the course of the next four weeks end up in the Grand Final – the last two teams.

The first and second placed teams at the end of the regular season did not make the last game – they had been eliminated. So, it was Cinderella vs Cinderella.

Both teams could be proud of what they had done. They were not rated as chances to be in the Grand Final. They knocked off more fancied teams. They had self-belief and seemed to bring a spark and enjoyment to their games, entertaining all those who watched them.

But there could only be one winner – and the other team looked gutted at the end of the game. No amount of "you’ve done so well to get this far" could lift them from their current disappointed state of being. I’m sure they will be able to rationalize their season at a later date, but being rational is impossible when in such a turmoil of emotions.

Thanks to both teams for their entertainment and for their reinforcement of the belief that anything is possible.

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