Saturday, October 01, 2005


(Taken from Inner Beauty A Book of Virtues by Anthea Church)

Humility dismisses nothing, but takes even small things seriously. It is the recognition that whatever is in life and is in front of you is to be respected as something that will take you forward; that inside big things there is sometimes little, but inside little there is often enormity. Humility puts a hand out to nothing extra, but simply takes what's there. Whether that be food or clothing or understanding. ….sometimes there is a lot available and sometimes only little. It doesn't matter. Even when you understand nothing, there is no worry, for in humility there is trust, everything will come anyway, at the right time. And knowledge mistimed is as dangerous as ignorance.

Humility is also a basis on which things happen: a carefulness and simple being to create from. For in it there is no expectation of brilliance and therefore accomplishment comes more naturally, unthreatened by what will be said or thought by others. A humble person is lovely to be with, for beside them one is at one's best. Yet, because they respect themselves, nothing done belittles them, but further speaks of their beauty because the achievement is half theirs already. Every creative task needs humility behind it, for humility is plainness and on plainness the colours and shape of the work are clear to see and mould. If a new world to come, it would need this quiet basis to form itself on that could stay the same whilst things were changing. Humility is special, therefore, and yet, at times, its disguise is so ordinary. For when something valuable is forming, ordinariness and noise are sometimes needed to distract attention as it grows. The humility in a person, carefree of reputation, can wear the disguise easily so that nothing of the real work is seen.

Humility is the willingness to be used in any way that's necessary, however out of character it may seem; for, in humility, individuality has been exchanged for the task it is involved in. Quietness in this case, is an unquestioning acceptance of whatever has to be done. Humility is rare because to have it, you have to want nothing. If you do have it, you get everything.

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